Friday, November 11, 2011

ready for my close up

Although today is incredibly windy, that apparently isnt stopping the squirrels. Did some hand feeding but I got cold so I just tossed a bunch in the grass and let them go nuts (har har). Had to help mom detach some lights from a garland so she can change them from colored to white, all the while being circled by the little beggars; so after that was finished I sat on the step with the bucket very close to me and just let them self serve seeing if they would actually be brave enough to get them out of the bucket. Oh but not forgetting to keep the camera handy. So here are the results, and they are definitely entertaining.

using his tail as a wind shield

got in a fight with something and his tail is all banged up, it must mess with his balance because he eats his peanuts like a dog chewing a bone lol

started to form a line lol

Thursday, November 3, 2011

i shall call him squishy, and he will be mine, and he will be my squishy

someone was named today, and their name will be greedy! Took peanuts from my like he hasn't eaten in days and probably would've bitten me if i hadn't been watching him.. then didn't like the peanut I gave him, dropped it and took a different from me... furry little jerk

Additional Information:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1, 2011

Sunday was the day after our unusual October snow storm and I actually had quite a few critters at the door, all fluffed in their winter fur and taking peanuts from me as if they hadn't eaten in weeks lol It was far too cold to stay outside with them so after a few hand feeds, I just tossed a bunch of peanuts into the yard which pleases not only squirrels but blue jays and titmice as well so everyone was happy.

Stumbled onto some more funny videos